
There are very few people who are doing the work they were put on this planet to do.  Carly Ridloff is one of those people.  I have never seen someone show up with such consistency and energy day after day to both meet students where they’re at and simultaneously hold them to higher standards than anyone before.  She is able to build student’s confidence in themselves because of this.  Not only is she endlessly committed to academic growth but she builds deep and meaningful relationships with students that last long after they are in her classroom.  There is no educator that I would trust more with my own children than Carly.

-Jennifer Leeper, former colleague and Political Candidate for State Representative of Fairfield and Southport

I met Mrs. Ridloff during my daughters junior high school years at success academy. Ms Ridloff helped my daughter Kaylene build the confidence she needed in reading and writing. Kaylene has dyslexia and reading is a huge challenge for her. Ms. Novick helped Kaylene tremendously. She taught her reading and writing skills that all other teachers missed.  Her patience and motivation with my daughter was more than I could have ever given and for that I’m forever grateful.

– Kayla Welcome, Parent

My daughter loved working with Carly!  Carly was so patient, encouraging and supportive.  When Carly got to us when my daughter was in 1st grade she was not reading, Carly was with us until my daughter graduated from 5th grade.  Lou graduated above grade level in reading, writing, and math. We owe it all to Carly.   Carly always introduced Lou to learning in fun innovative  and challenging ways and it never got boring for Lou.  Carly is super positive which Lou caught onto immediately  which never made learning intimidating.

Siki Hakamies, Parent   

My experience with Ms. Ridloff as a teacher was honestly the best.  She showed that she cared not only about me and my schoolwork but cared about me as a person. She went out of her way to make sure that students are fine inside and outside the of the four walls of the building. I remember plenty of times when I was nervous for an upcoming exam or was overwhelmed and having a breakdown, and she let me sit in her office and calmed me down and reminded me that I can do it.  I remember English Language Arts with Ms. Ridloff was something I loved to do.  I loved when she came and pulled me out of my class for my small group, it meant I was actually going to learn.  We worked on my writing strategies and techniques to enhance my writing.  Because of Ms. Ridloff my writing is so strong.  After I graduated from middle school, she made sure to keep in contact with me to make sure that I stayed on track in high school.  She showed me me what it was like to have a teacher taht actually cared about my performance in school and pushed me to work harder.  I always did, because I never wanted to disappoint you.  Anyone is lucky if they get to work with Ms. Ridloff.

– Aria Diaz, former student from Success Academy Bronx Middle School.  

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